It still boggles the mind! It doesn't take an Alastair Campbell to understand that walking out early was questionable both in morals and optics. I feel the bit people aren't saying out loud is that if he can make such an utterly academic mistake so brazenly, is he really fit, both logically and emotionally, to be Prime Minister?

We are working very hard here in Welwyn Hatfield to elect our excellent Labour candidate Andrew Lewin and finally see the back of Grant Shapps. The polls are promising but it will be close!

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This was spot on, though... I liked Corbyn. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Not everything about him sat well (Euroscepticism) but I liked a lot of his ideas, specifically re-nationalising transport and energy services, etc. Anyway...

Hard time's here in Blighty, so I can't afford to subscribe, but I enjoy what I get for free. 👍🏼

(I'm a fellow low-carber and sad that I don't get to follow your "Downsizing" journey).

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